Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chapter 12


Anonymous said...

Gabrielle will do chapter 12

Gabrielle said...

Jonas has had his first day of Training with the Giver. He cannot talk about it and he is just hushing many times when the other children are talking about their first day.
During the night, he dreamt about the memory of snow but he lies to his parents, he says he had no dreams. At school, he is just listenning at his friends about their first day.
After school he goes with Fiona to the House of the Old. When they separate, Jonas has again the feeling he had with the apple. Fiona's hair changed for a moment so he decides to ask the Giver. This one tells him that he is discovering the color red and after, Jonas will see all the colors like him. Now, he can remember the snow alone, without help from the Giver because he has the memory now and the Giver hasn't it anymore.

Anonymous said...
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Teacher said...

Jonas has had his first day of Training with the Giver. He cannot talk about it and he is only hushed many times when the other children are talking about their first day.
During the night, he dreams about the memory of snow but he lies to his parents, he says he had no dreams. At school, he is only listening to his friends about their first day.
After school he goes with Fiona to the House of the Old. When they separate, Jonas has again the feeling he had with the apple. Fiona's hair has changed for a moment so he decides to ask the Giver. The latter tells him that he is discovering the colour red and afterwars, Jonas will see all the colours like him. Now, he can remember the snow alone, without help from the Giver because he has the memory and the Giver hasn't it anymore.