After the ceremony Jonas has already felt apart of the society. When everybody was outside, Jonas and Asher decided to ride to their home together but Jonas felt that something is different with Asher now but he thought that it was just his imagination. During the evening meal Jonas' parents explained that once a female has designed like Receiver but she has disapeared and nobody has seen her again. Jonas was choked. After the meal, Jonas went into his room to read the rules which he received for his designement at the ceremony. There were only 8 rules, but they were very special. He must go immediatly after school to House of Training and after the training he must go immediatly home. He mustn't ask nothing to the inhabitants.He mustn't discuss about his training with anybody. He mustn't tell his dreams to his family. If he hurts himself during his training he cannot ask for medication. He cannot ask to be released and the last thing... He may lie. After the reading, he was dismayed. The most part of the rules means that he will have no life nexto to his training.
After the ceremony Jonas already felt apart from the society. When everybody was outside, Jonas and Asher decided to ride home together but Jonas felt that something was different with Asher then, but he thought that it was just his imagination. During the evening meal Jonas' parents explained that once a female had been chosen as a Receiver but she disappeared and nobody had ever seen her again. Jonas was shocked. After the meal, Jonas went into his room to read the rules which he received for his assignment at the ceremony. There were only 8 rules, but they were very special. He must go to the House of Training immediately after school and after the training he must go home immediately . He mustn't ask the inhabitants anything .He mustn't discuss his training with anybody. He mustn't tell his dreams to his family. If he hurts himself during his training he cannot ask for medication. He cannot ask to be released and the last thing... He may lie. After the reading, he was dismayed. Most rules mean that he will have no life beside his training.
Marjorie liardet will do the chapter 9
After the ceremony Jonas has already felt apart of the society. When everybody was outside, Jonas and Asher decided to ride to their home together but Jonas felt that something is different with Asher now but he thought that it was just his imagination. During the evening meal Jonas' parents explained that once a female has designed like Receiver but she has disapeared and nobody has seen her again. Jonas was choked. After the meal, Jonas went into his room to read the rules which he received for his designement at the ceremony. There were only 8 rules, but they were very special. He must go immediatly after school to House of Training and after the training he must go immediatly home. He mustn't ask nothing to the inhabitants.He mustn't discuss about his training with anybody. He mustn't tell his dreams to his family. If he hurts himself during his training he cannot ask for medication. He cannot ask to be released and the last thing... He may lie. After the reading, he was dismayed. The most part of the rules means that he will have no life nexto to his training.
After the ceremony Jonas already felt apart from the society. When everybody was outside, Jonas and Asher decided to ride home together but Jonas felt that something was different with Asher then, but he thought that it was just his imagination. During the evening meal Jonas' parents explained that once a female had been chosen as a Receiver but she disappeared and nobody had ever seen her again. Jonas was shocked. After the meal, Jonas went into his room to read the rules which he received for his assignment at the ceremony. There were only 8 rules, but they were very special. He must go to the House of Training immediately after school and after the training he must go home immediately . He mustn't ask the inhabitants anything .He mustn't discuss his training with anybody. He mustn't tell his dreams to his family. If he hurts himself during his training he cannot ask for medication. He cannot ask to be released and the last thing... He may lie. After the reading, he was dismayed. Most rules mean that he will have no life beside his training.
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